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6 Pack Ems Tummy Flatter, Weight Loss Muscle Toning/Fitness Technology Kit 6 Pack Abs, Wireless Electro Pad Portable Gym Trainer For Men/Women

₹ 599
₹ 999
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It's light and portable. You can do muscle training in the office, bedroom, or any place you want. Not just in the gym

Contact the skin patch with our soft PU material to ensure a comfortable workout.

When you peel the gel pad off your body about 20~30 times, you need to change to new gel pads.

Best gift for men and women!!

1. Low frequency fits 12 minutes once a day,2-3 times, it's with power for a long time of feels sleepy, then you'll feel tired.

2. It can avoid 30 minutes after meals, after a shower, or warm water after cleaning and support

3. Gel pad. (drying, prevent pads, must be pasteboard hold sticky)

4. Dirty point, etc... should be washed by a dry cloth, neutral cleaning material, and the through dry cloth wipe.

5. Do not keep the sun, hot temperatures, and humidity, damp and dusty place, fire or shake or so.

6. Ensure that children can not touch.

7. Do not touch the dry battery terminal with a wet hand.

8. If you don't use it for a long time. (over 1 month) please remove the battery from the battery the machine is removed and stored in other places.

Care in use:

1. Turn off the power after use.

2. Please separate the rubber pads from the machine.

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It's light and portable. You can do muscle training in the office, bedroom, or any place you want. Not just in the gym

Contact the skin patch with our soft PU material to ensure a comfortable workout.

When you peel the gel pad off your body about 20~30 times, you need to change to new gel pads.

Best gift for men and women!!

1. Low frequency fits 12 minutes once a day,2-3 times, it's with power for a long time of feels sleepy, then you'll feel tired.

2. It can avoid 30 minutes after meals, after a shower, or warm water after cleaning and support

3. Gel pad. (drying, prevent pads, must be pasteboard hold sticky)

4. Dirty point, etc... should be washed by a dry cloth, neutral cleaning material, and the through dry cloth wipe.

5. Do not keep the sun, hot temperatures, and humidity, damp and dusty place, fire or shake or so.

6. Ensure that children can not touch.

7. Do not touch the dry battery terminal with a wet hand.

8. If you don't use it for a long time. (over 1 month) please remove the battery from the battery the machine is removed and stored in other places.

Care in use:

1. Turn off the power after use.

2. Please separate the rubber pads from the machine.

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₹ 709 ₹ 829

EMS (Electrical Muscle Stimulation) through current stimulation, directly sends the signal to muscles and promotes muscle movement. All you have to do is to fit the stomach toner into your body and let it exercise your muscles. No harm to the human body and just let you enjoy scientific and healthy fitness.


  • Ab Stimulator best gift for men and women!!
  • Each machine requires 2 AAA batteries, we do not provide batteries, you need to buy them separately. 2. Clean skin before and after use. Do not use skin care products before use as they may cause poor adhesion.
  • Voltage: Battery 1.5V AAA X 2EA
  • The solution is simple: 15 minutes of the device twice a day and you are going to see the results on your abs in no more than 3 months. 
₹ 729 ₹ 999
Tummy Trimmer Double Spring Contoured feet pedals Steel 2 spring pull up bar Portable and light weight, can be used anywhere anytime. Flattens tummy in just a few days Firms chests and arms Tightens hips and thighs. Do Exercise Anytime Anywhere - Workout in home, office or even outdoors while watching TV, chatting with friends. 5. Shape Your Body Effectively - Workouts for Arms, Legs and Back, and can do seated exercises. Improve stretching and flexibility. Way to Use Tummy Exercise Sit on a yoga mat with your legs and footing flat on the fixed footrest, holding the handle to do sit-ups. It can consume twice calories than usual sit-ups. Arm & Waist Exercise Sit on a yoga mat with your legs bent and footing flat on the fixed footrest. Holding the handle and pull up the spring with your hand. Leg Exercise Lying on the yoga mat, holding on the handle and footing on the footrest. Legs bent in 90 angle and force forward. Note: Recommendation 15 times each. It can effectively exercise. Made of upgrade high quality plastic and spring, much stronger than the old one, durable and difficult to crack, best choice for building up your muscles.
₹ 639 ₹ 1,099
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₹ 709 ₹ 829

EMS (Electrical Muscle Stimulation) through current stimulation, directly sends the signal to muscles and promotes muscle movement. All you have to do is to fit the stomach toner into your body and let it exercise your muscles. No harm to the human body and just let you enjoy scientific and healthy fitness.


  • Ab Stimulator best gift for men and women!!
  • Each machine requires 2 AAA batteries, we do not provide batteries, you need to buy them separately. 2. Clean skin before and after use. Do not use skin care products before use as they may cause poor adhesion.
  • Voltage: Battery 1.5V AAA X 2EA
  • The solution is simple: 15 minutes of the device twice a day and you are going to see the results on your abs in no more than 3 months. 
₹ 729 ₹ 999
Our goal is to create a high quality ab wheel that can keep up with even the most strenuous exercise and to help people achieve the abdominal muscles that they desire. Yes, there are so many machines at the gym that you could use, but if you need an excellent ab workout right away, this ab Roller wheel is the perfect accessory. Not only is the ab wheel very portable, it has two wheels to ensure proper balance for working out all abdominal muscles evenly. We know that with our ab wheel, the fantasized “6-pack abs” will be much more attainable. Kneeling posture : Kneel down on the pad, and hold your hands tightly on the foam handles, then roll forward until your torso and arms are fixed and then roll back.
₹ 539 ₹ 599
Tummy Trimmer Double Spring Contoured feet pedals Steel 2 spring pull up bar Portable and light weight, can be used anywhere anytime. Flattens tummy in just a few days Firms chests and arms Tightens hips and thighs. Do Exercise Anytime Anywhere - Workout in home, office or even outdoors while watching TV, chatting with friends. 5. Shape Your Body Effectively - Workouts for Arms, Legs and Back, and can do seated exercises. Improve stretching and flexibility. Way to Use Tummy Exercise Sit on a yoga mat with your legs and footing flat on the fixed footrest, holding the handle to do sit-ups. It can consume twice calories than usual sit-ups. Arm & Waist Exercise Sit on a yoga mat with your legs bent and footing flat on the fixed footrest. Holding the handle and pull up the spring with your hand. Leg Exercise Lying on the yoga mat, holding on the handle and footing on the footrest. Legs bent in 90 angle and force forward. Note: Recommendation 15 times each. It can effectively exercise. Made of upgrade high quality plastic and spring, much stronger than the old one, durable and difficult to crack, best choice for building up your muscles.
₹ 639 ₹ 1,099