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  • Keep yourself hydrated. Aqua helps to sustain your body cell structure and metabolism, as well as keeping your eyes, mouth and nose moisturized, which keeps you fresh all day! Our water bottle is an environmental friendly product which is 100% BPA-free and Phthalate-free.
  • Standard size and convenient design enable you to bring it everywhere with you, and the wide-mouth design allows you to clean it effortless and put in ice cubes. There is a strap holding the cap and the bottle to prevent lost of the cap and also allows you to hang it up.
  • When you are sweating or dehydrated, just spray it all over your face to make yourself fresh and moisturized again! When you are tired or sleepy, fill the bottle with icy cool water and spray it to keep yourself awake and energized. And kids will love it too.
  • 600ML.Large capacity ensures enough water supply, and the graduation on the body helps measure the water if you need do some drinks.
  • Product color will be shipped as per inventory availability.
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  • Keep yourself hydrated. Aqua helps to sustain your body cell structure and metabolism, as well as keeping your eyes, mouth and nose moisturized, which keeps you fresh all day! Our water bottle is an environmental friendly product which is 100% BPA-free and Phthalate-free.
  • Standard size and convenient design enable you to bring it everywhere with you, and the wide-mouth design allows you to clean it effortless and put in ice cubes. There is a strap holding the cap and the bottle to prevent lost of the cap and also allows you to hang it up.
  • When you are sweating or dehydrated, just spray it all over your face to make yourself fresh and moisturized again! When you are tired or sleepy, fill the bottle with icy cool water and spray it to keep yourself awake and energized. And kids will love it too.
  • 600ML.Large capacity ensures enough water supply, and the graduation on the body helps measure the water if you need do some drinks.
  • Product color will be shipped as per inventory availability.
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VOOTMART Delivered
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Water is essential to your body. The amount of water your body requires depends on your body weight and your activity levels in order to prevent dehydration during long workouts. However, due to busy work life, most of us miss out on drinking water. When we set to buy bottles, we often search for elegance, usefulness and durability etc. The one thing that we miss out on is safety. Ordinary plastic consist of dangerous toxins that can end up being a health hazard. To ensure safety, Cello introduces BPA free and food grade bottles that addresses all your bottle needs. The bottle ergonomic design and its crystal clarity adds beauty to the liquid fruit juice, squash etc. that you put in. For over two decades, one internationally recognized name has been bringing out products that are not only contemporary but also enhance the lifestyle of its users. Each product speaks volumes about the depth of research and the strength of perfection and makes Cello the preferred brand.

₹ 899 ₹ 1,299

Water is essential to your body. The amount of water your body requires depends on your body weight and your activity levels in order to prevent dehydration during long workouts. However, due to busy work life, most of us miss out on drinking water. When we set to buy bottles, we often search for elegance, usefulness and durability etc. The one thing that we miss out on is safety. Ordinary plastic consist of dangerous toxins that can end up being a health hazard. To ensure safety, Cello introduces BPA free and food grade bottles that addresses all your bottle needs. The bottle ergonomic design and its crystal clarity adds beauty to the liquid fruit juice, squash etc. that you put in. For over two decades, one internationally recognized name has been bringing out products that are not only contemporary but also enhance the lifestyle of its users. Each product speaks volumes about the depth of research and the strength of perfection and makes Cello the preferred brand. Only Cello offers an unmatched range of plastic polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polypropylene (PP) water bottles. Canisters with world-class designs made from Japanese technology at its ultramodern plant. After years of research, Cello has developed unique. Leak proof, break-proof, 100 percent food grade and hygienic products, which gives Cello the real winning edge. No wonder, today, over 6 million families in India and millions around the world have made Cello an integral part of their lives.

₹ 640 ₹ 999
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Water is essential to your body. The amount of water your body requires depends on your body weight and your activity levels in order to prevent dehydration during long workouts. However, due to busy work life, most of us miss out on drinking water. When we set to buy bottles, we often search for elegance, usefulness and durability etc. The one thing that we miss out on is safety. Ordinary plastic consist of dangerous toxins that can end up being a health hazard. To ensure safety, Cello introduces BPA free and food grade bottles that addresses all your bottle needs. The bottle ergonomic design and its crystal clarity adds beauty to the liquid fruit juice, squash etc. that you put in. For over two decades, one internationally recognized name has been bringing out products that are not only contemporary but also enhance the lifestyle of its users. Each product speaks volumes about the depth of research and the strength of perfection and makes Cello the preferred brand.

₹ 899 ₹ 1,299

Water is essential to your body. The amount of water your body requires depends on your body weight and your activity levels in order to prevent dehydration during long workouts. However, due to busy work life, most of us miss out on drinking water. When we set to buy bottles, we often search for elegance, usefulness and durability etc. The one thing that we miss out on is safety. Ordinary plastic consist of dangerous toxins that can end up being a health hazard. To ensure safety, Cello introduces BPA free and food grade bottles that addresses all your bottle needs. The bottle ergonomic design and its crystal clarity adds beauty to the liquid fruit juice, squash etc. that you put in. For over two decades, one internationally recognized name has been bringing out products that are not only contemporary but also enhance the lifestyle of its users. Each product speaks volumes about the depth of research and the strength of perfection and makes Cello the preferred brand. Only Cello offers an unmatched range of plastic polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polypropylene (PP) water bottles. Canisters with world-class designs made from Japanese technology at its ultramodern plant. After years of research, Cello has developed unique. Leak proof, break-proof, 100 percent food grade and hygienic products, which gives Cello the real winning edge. No wonder, today, over 6 million families in India and millions around the world have made Cello an integral part of their lives.

₹ 640 ₹ 999
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